Matt Rizzo

Matt Rizzo

Senior Manager, IT Operations

Matt has worked as an IT professional for over 20 years, helping design, develop, support, and improve infrastructures and IT Departments.

Question & Answer

Why have you chosen a career in quantum?

Quantum computing is an incredible emergent technology that will redefine the computing landscape. With an IT background, I am excited to be part of it!

What is a problem you dream of solving (with quantum)?

I will leave that to the engineers!

What’s your superpower?

I can be friends with anyone!

If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?

Bruce Dickinson. He has so many talents, and I am sure he has some incredible tour stories!

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

What are people often surprised to know about you?

My college degree was in anthropology (with a focus in archaeology), and spent time in Kenya doing research!