
Zapata AI’s Industrial
Generative AI Solutions

Address complex — yet common — industrial-scale problems involving both language and numerical data.


Virtual Sensors

Better, Faster Optimization

Predictive Modeling

Fast Alternative to Monte Carlo Simulation ​

Anomaly Detection

Virtual Sensors

Virtual Sensors

Use Generative AI-based virtual sensor technology to infer data for variables that cannot be measured directly.

Better, Faster Optimization

Better, Faster Optimization

Make better decisions with conflicting constraints using faster optimization tools that leverage the latest techniques, including math from quantum physics.

Predictive Modeling

Predictive Modeling

Develop models to forecast future behavior or answer “what if” questions. Build models from historic data and generate meaningful predictions to inform real-time strategy.

Fast Alternative to Monte Carlo Simulation ​

Fast Alternative to Monte Carlo Simulation ​

Converge on a more accurate solution 1000x–10,000x faster than traditional Monte Carlo simulations.

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly Detection

Leverage quantum-inspired techniques for high-performing anomaly detection. Enhance models to identify anomalies in complex data more accurately than traditional approaches.

<h4>[accent]Key Issue[/accent]</h4>

Key Issue

Zapata AI Sense Solution

[accent]AI systems are biased due to rare or minority cases being underrepresented in training data[/accent]
AI systems are biased due to rare or minority cases being underrepresented in training data

Prevent bias by balancing training datasets with new, realistic data that has been intelligently-generated to follow the statistical patterns of real data.

[accent]Business analytics are unable to account for variables that cannot be measured[/accent]
Business analytics are unable to account for variables that cannot be measured

Enhance your analytics by inferring data for unmeasurable variables based on their correlations with variables that can be measured directly.

[accent]Uncertainty in forecasting demand leads to inefficiencies in the supply chain[/accent]
Uncertainty in forecasting demand leads to inefficiencies in the supply chain

Reduce waste and downtime by generating more accurate demand forecasts to optimize your supply chain scheduling.


Large Language Model Compression

Analytics Assistant

Custom Retrieval

Large Language Model Compression

Large Language Model Compression

Compressed models reduce initial and ongoing model costs (training, inference), while enabling deployment to the edge. ​

Analytics Assistant

Analytics Assistant

Extract meaningful insights from your data simply by asking. Create friendly natural language interfaces to engage with your data. ​

Custom Retrieval

Custom Retrieval

Search, summarize or analyze documents in internal or external databases using a large language model to speed up research and document retrieval.

Key Issue

Zapata AI Prose Solution

[accent]Existing customer service chatbots cannot handle ambiguity, complex queries, or multiple languages[/accent]
Existing customer service chatbots cannot handle ambiguity, complex queries, or multiple languages

Boost customer retention with more flexible and personalizable chatbots, powered by custom LLMs trained on your corpus of documentation and customer data.

[accent]Regulatory documents take substantial dedicated manual labor to complete[/accent]
Regulatory documents take substantial dedicated manual labor to complete

Speed up the regulatory approval process by using LLMs trained on IP and proprietary data to complete first drafts of regulatory documents.

[accent]R&D efforts slowed down by tedious literature review process[/accent]
R&D efforts slowed down by tedious literature review process

Learn from new research faster by using LLMs to search journals for relevant research and summarize their findings.


Unlock new industrial applications by combining Prose and Sense.

Keep Your Sensitive Data Secure

Extend LLMs Beyond Language

Reduce Your Compute Costs

Run Models on the Edge

Measure the Unmeasurable

Use the Best Solution for your Problem

Case Studies

See how we’re helping industries like yours harness generative AI for their industrial-scale problems.

Zapata AI Case Studies