Orquestra Integrates with NVIDIA cuQuantum

Orquestra Integrates with NVIDIA cuQuantum

The multi-GPU cluster integration of Zapata’s Orquestra® platform for building quantum-ready applications with the NVIDIA cuQuantum software development kit serves Zapata’s goal of accelerating enterprise quantum use cases.

GPUs can greatly accelerate many types of compute workloads, such as the training of neural networks and the simulation of quantum circuits. However, incorporating GPUs into computational workflows can present a lot of challenges for data scientists and quantum scientists. For example, there are the complexities of configuring cloud resources and the real – and potentially expensive – risks of spending money on idle GPUs. And those are just a few of the challenges.

To help organizations overcome these challenges, we collaborated with NVIDIA and announced the resulting technology integration at Q2B Japan.

The multi-GPU cluster integration of Zapata’s Orquestra® platform for building quantum-ready applications with the NVIDIA cuQuantum software development kit serves Zapata’s goal of accelerating enterprise quantum use cases. These two platforms working together supercharge quantum and AI workflows.

For those interested in our work, we put together this short explainer video. Check it out!

This integration is part of Zapata’s larger collaboration with NVIDIA, which includes the use of its Quantum Optimized Device Architecture (QODA). NVIDIA QODA is a quantum-classical platform NVIDIA announced at Q2B Japan. QODA is a hybrid toolchain that will provide a unified quantum-classical platform to help accelerate Zapata’s ongoing research and development of quantum machine learning and optimization algorithms, targeting enterprise use cases.

For more detailed information about this integration, check out the Orquestra Core documentation.

We are currently working on a deep-dive blog post to complement this one where we’ll dig into technical details of the integration. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to make sure you are alerted when it posts.

If you are interested in learning about how this unique and powerful integration could benefit your organization, please contact us.

Brian Dellabetta
Zapata Author

Brian Dellabetta , Ph.D.

QML Software Lead
Ethan Hansen
Zapata Author

Ethan Hansen

Quantum Software Engineering Intern